How to Grow Herbs in Your Apartment

May 06, 2024
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Cooking with something you grew with your own hands is so rewarding! If you’re ready to upgrade your meals AND windowsill, our herb guide has you covered!

Step 1

Decide which herbs you’d like to grow. Herbs that thrive indoors include oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley, and chives. 

Step 2

Select a container that drains properly. Herbs can grow in almost any container as long as they fit, but remember, the smaller the pot, the sooner you’ll have to replant.

Step 3

Choose the sunniest spot in your apartment! Herbs need at least six hours of sunlight a day, so try to avoid setting the herbs too close to the center of the room.

Step 4

A drizzle under the sink 2-3 times weekly is enough! It’s important that the herbs don’t get waterlogged. Tip: If the herbs wilt, reduce the water intake.

Step 5

Enjoy! Harvest your herbs a little at a time. Feel free to use kitchen scissors or pinch the leaves off. Be sure not to take more than ¼ of the herb at a time because it could cause distress!

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